Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Foundation Portfolio-Preliminary Task.

Creating a College Magazine Front Cover and Contents page.

Because this is the Beginning of the Foundation Portfolio Preliminary Task i looked at how the main media concept key words could be used to make a front cover of a college magazine. I used the Acronym LIIAR- language, Institution, Ideology, Audience and Representation.

lANGUAGE- The language is how the layout of the media type. It means everything from the font, the text style, size of the text the Photograph(weather its black and white or colour), the title, the colour.

INSTITUTION- The Institution is Wyke College.

IDEOLOGY- The ideology is the message you want to send out to its readers. So in a college magazine it would be Respect one and other, Its a place for Students and to work hard.

AUDIENCE- The audience would be the students at Wkye(age group 16-19) and staff at Wyke, employee’s of the college and perhaps Visitors.

REPRESENTATION- The magazine would be Representing the college, the photographs, Angles, The Stories within the magazine about Wyke, Promoting theWyke and how the text and Photos Represent the stories.

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