Tuesday, 10 February 2009

My music magazine ideas.

I have decided that the genre of music i will base my magazine will be Hardcore/Punk/Metal. Because i listen to that type i music, i think i will find it easier to produce a magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.

For my music magazine, i want a name that is punchy and that reflects the sound of the music i am going to cover.

DESTROY- i came up with this while listening to a song called " Skate and destroy". I thought it was suitable as alot of people who listen to underground music also skate board.

AT THE EDGE- i thought this would be good as a title as the music genre of my magazine is more edgey and up front then others.

DECADES-this title came to mind as it sounds like other age groups could read the magazine. and the music genre/s have been going for "decades".

REFLECTIONS-I have decided im going to use this for my title as it could mean other things such as being different in person and genre.

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